"woven from life itself" | August 22–October 30, 2022 | Norway House

To purchase art, please email both Nik Fernholz at fern0104@umn.edu and the artist directly.

In partnership with Norway House's Minnesota Peace Initiative—which serves to foster engagement related to peace issues and peacemaking efforts worldwide—this group exhibition featured local artists as well as artists from Norway.

The exhibition celebrated disability pride and pride in other identities, and it reflected the diverse cultural and ethnic community that makes up the neighborhood of Norway House.

It featured art by Minnesota artists David "Mack" McDonnell-Forney, Janette Tafoya Giles, Ingrid Hansen, and Frode Felipe Schjelderup from Stavanger, Norway. The exhibition also highlighted documentarian Heidi Benedict Sundby and musician Bjørn Hatterud, both from Oslo, Norway. It also featured “Little Waterfall” by William Britt.